Flexcil helps you to use the app efficiently by providing keyboard shortcuts.
iOS | Android | |
Switch between gesture/pen mode | alt tab | control |
Show/hide menu | shift tab | shift tab |
Move document to the left side | ← | ← |
Move document to the right side | → | → |
Move document to the upside | ↑ | ↑ |
Move document to the downside | ↓ | ↓ |
Flip to the next page(in the horizontal scroll mode) | control → | control → |
Flip to the previous page(in the horizontal scroll mode) | control ← | control ← |
Scroll down to the next page(in the vertical scroll mode) | control ↓ | control ↓ |
Scroll up to the previous page(in the vertical scroll mode) | control ↑ | control ↑ |
Zoom in | cmd = | alt = |
Zoom out | cmd - | alt - |
Go to the file manager | cmd O | alt O |
Go to the page manager | cmd M | alt M |
Confirm/Cancel | esc | esc |
Move to the next document tab | control tab | control tab |
Move to the previous document tab | control shift tab | control shift tab |
Close the current document tab | cmd W | alt W |
Open the side menu | control cmd S | control alt S |
Side menu - Show Page list | control cmd P | control alt P |
Side menu - Show Outlines | control cmd O | control alt O |
Side menu - Show Bookmarks | control cmd B | control alt B |
Side menu - Show Annotations | control cmd A | control alt A |
Open the pop-up viewer | shift alt ↑ | shift alt ↑ |
Close the pop-up viewer | shift alt ↓ | shift alt ↓ |
Move the pop-up viewer to the left side | shift ← | shift ← |
Move the pop-up viewer to the right side | shift → | shift → |
Move the pop-up viewer to the upside | shift ↑ | shift ↑ |
Move the pop-up viewer to the downside | shift ↓ | shift ↓ |
Pop-up viewer - Flip to the previous page | shift control → | shift control → / shift control ↑ |
Pop-up viewer - Flip to the next page | shift control ← | shift control ← / shift control ↓ |
Pop-up viewer - Open the page manager | shift cmd M | shift alt M |
Pop-up viewer - Zoom in the document | shift cmd = | shift alt = |
Pop-up viewer - Zoom out the document | shift cmd - | shift alt - |
Search | cmd F | alt F |
Input textbox | cmd T | alt T |
Add an image by taking a photo | cmd P | alt P |
Add an image from the gallery | cmd I | alt I |
Lasso tool | cmd L | alt L |
Open document tab 1 | cmd 1 | alt 1 |
Open document tab 2 | cmd 2 | alt 2 |
Open document tab 3 | cmd 3 | alt 3 |
Open document tab 4 | cmd 4 | alt 4 |
Open document tab 5 | cmd 5 | alt 5 |
Open document tab 6 | cmd 6 | alt 6 |
Open document tab 7 | cmd 7 | alt 7 |
Open document tab 8 | cmd 8 | alt 8 |
Open document tab 9 | cmd 9 | alt 9 |